Its incredibly exciting to be starting our brand new schedule of activities. We talked to as many of you as we could and tried to incorporate all the ideas you suggested. Over the coming months we’ll test out many new events to see how best to share and teach the facets of mindful living.
Wednesdays will now begin at 6.00 pm, usually finishing up by 7.30. On the 2nd Wednesday we’ll begin a format borrowed from my friend Monshin Naamon at his Dharma Centre in up-state New York. It begins with a brief talk on some aspect of mindful living - say, generosity, purpose or relationships, for example. This month it will focus on the big topic of what is mindful living, anyway? After a brief practice period, we’ll get down to some casual eating with a pot-luck. While we eat we can continue with discussions of the theme or wherever we want he conversation to go.
Another idea which was very much enjoyed when we held it in Renfrew is our Get Reel Movie series. Each month, on the 4th Wednesday we’ll screen a lesser-known but pertinent film that informs our mindful living practice and knowledge. These will be drawn from the best of recent films from all over the world, and will feature films that few in this region have seen. For this month our film is Departures, an extraordinary Oscar-winner from Japan.
We hope you will join us soon for any of our exciting programs. To stay informed, check out our monthly Calendar and make sure you are receiving our SODAI Magazine.
Yours , on purpose,
Mindful Living in Renfrew County ....What’s got your attention?
Greetings Mindful friends,
We are so excited to begin our new schedule this coming month. Every week there is something special and just one more reason (if you need another) to pay attention to your life’s adventure. Each event is hosted by a different partner and gives you a unique slant for your explorations of mindful living.
WEEK 1: BMINDFUL and Red Maple Sangha get together to host a session of mindful eating practice. Based on the traditional Japanese practice called oryoki (eating just enough) we will learn to combine mindfulness with a common human activity (1st Saturday at 10.00am)
WEEK 2: BMINDFUL’s AIM (Adventures in Mindfulness) group hosts a Mindful Living Discussion and Pot Luck where we share an evening meal and discuss a mindfulness topic introduced by Ray, such as generosity, relationships and mindfulness at work. (2nd Wednesdays, 6.00 pm)
WEEK 3: Our three partners take turns bringing you an extended mindfulness workshop (3rd Saturdays, 12.00-4.00pm)
WEEK 4: On the 4th Wednesday, BMINDFUL hosts our Get Reel film series where we explore how mindful living is portrayed in exceptional movies from all over the world. Films start at 6.00. Then on the Sunday of that 4th week, Padakun hosts its monthly Kick and Push Pedestrian Society (KAPPS) alk along the rail trails near Renfrew.
The schedule is posted here:
Hope to see you out at one of our events soon.
Yours ,
Mindful Living in Renfrew County
What’s got your attention?
Well, here we are!
Finally, Red Maple Mindful Living has re-located to Pembroke.
Thee's lots more to come. Have a look at our schedule and join us for practice soon.