About Me

The Padakun Centre is the single research centre for the exploration and promotion of contemplative walking. Based on the work of Innen Ray Parchelo, Padakun strives to gain and share understanding for the benefits of walking as a contemplative experience and practice.

Monday 29 December 2014


The process of mindful living, as we practice and teach it, always begins with purpose. We always return to the question “what matters most to me?”. From acknowledging the answer to that question we are presented with the challenge of expressing those values through intention and action. This is the meaning of purpose.

Now that we have successfully initiated Red Maple Mindful Living in Pembroke and Renfrew County, we too, as the community of mindful living, have to ask ourselves how will we express our commitment to purposeful living in practice and learning for the coming year. Some of this will simply mean continuing practice sessions as we began last fall. However, as we learn of different needs in our community, we are called to provide different formats and material for different needs. As outlined in our monthly newsletter, SODAI, the first of these new initiatives will be the presentation of our CORE mindful living program. This multi-week program will introduce our unique Red Maple approach for the first time.

Further, the presentation of the CORE program represents more than another learning opportunity. In addition to the training we will provide, the experience of working with our approach will contribute in a significant way to the preparation of a new publication which will further present our approach to a wider audience.

As this year opens up for us, we are all invited to participate in the learning, teaching, practice and community of mindful living. Each of us has unique gifts and needs, and our participation in Red Maple activities provides many opportunities to give and receive, for the benefit of ourselves and our community of practice.

Yours , on purpose,                               
Mindful Living in Renfrew County ....What’s got your attention?

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